Wauu Us is a bespoke beauty sleep and cosmetics company which focuses on luxurious life style for our awesome boys and girls. This includes random surprise ranges for families.


We stay true to building the best product, provide exceptional service and build versatile, long-lasting, repairable, and recyclable products that give back to the Earth as much as they take.

We will strive to be transparent, examine practices openly, learn from mistakes, and meet commitments. We will aim to also ensure that actions align with words and contribute to a functional whole.

Protect our home planet. Recognize that every decision is made in the context of the environmental crisis challenging humanity.

Develop new ways of doing things. Embrace creativity, explore fresh approaches, and stay true to the brand’s unique style.

Prioritize ethical production, high-quality materials, and sustainable practices.  We will strive to leave a positive footprint.

Through understanding of our target market genuinely. Deliver value that resonates with the needs of our customers


Beauty sleep range

Family Christmas Pajamas

His and Hers duet


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